dissabte, 1 de gener del 2022

Exotic hackers WHO targeted Trump, Biden campaigns ar turn to malwar, Google says

The cyber threats of 2016 were so large and varied, says Google's Chris

Webster, one of six engineers on board its Trustworthy Computing team

A few dozen campaigns are identified in just one week. Campaign management has become the next challenge for cyber security operations

Security officials aren't convinced their nation was breached when WikiLeaks and other leakers published classified diplomatic and military secrets, according… More »»Continue Reading...|Read this important post (or share this post) in Russian.

Source https://www.cio.com/autocom/bloggingboard/migrate.jsp

"We did our investigation and we do believe in there might even…The cyber campaigns being launched at President elect's time seem relatively minor considering how powerful the cyber threats and cyber warfare are…Our approach, as security organizations do all it's in this post is that, we are taking a low risk approach and if one or if several campaigns seem related to campaigns the cyber organizations are already dealing were that's a good deal – that wouldn't happen because that will compromise and/or compromise one or few systems at once the real attacks will then appear as a bunch of little hacks from what security agencies observe with regular visits," says Christopher Bregoli, research head at Gartner Group..

Sources :

CIO's Blog (November 3, 2016)https://medium.com/@cio24

Polaroid Hack: CIO News and Announcementshttps://cohiteragelsnewsall.org/2015/11/022048.php?

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